allergic reaction + a good ending

phooey. forget whatever I said about not being allergic to panadol. I was – and am -scowls-

yesterday I took it when I started sneezing like a machine gun – non stop! so I popped 2 and got ready for work. just as I was about to wear my contacts, I saw this little bump below my eye. it looks like a mosquito bite and instantly, I knew it was the doing of the bloody panadol.

but I thought hey, it could be a coincidence. so I decided to wait for awhile to see if the ‘mosquito bite’ grew any bigger. it did. bloody hell.

so I had to msg my colleague to let her know I wouldn’t be going to work. and I spent every 5 minutes looking into the mirror to see how bad it swelled. the last time my eyes swelled was when I popped a tiny painkiller coz my wrist was hurting me and within 2 hours, my eyes were so swollen I couldn’t even open them :mrgreen:

this time was a little weird. only one eye was swollen and thankfully, it wasn’t that bad.

ok. let me clear this up: firstly, wil isn’t my boyfriend! -mock glares at ebony- he’s just a good pal I met back in 2000 during obs and he was my canoeing partner for the sea expedition. that’s all. haha. I don’t have a boyfriend -rolls eyes- no one wants me. lmao.

and the cam he got? it’s a sony p10. don’t really like the design and I saw a sony v1 today in the papers. I want that cam! *hint*

so technically, it was a bad day. but no biggie since my mom creamed me the night before. but oddly, my day ended well. not just well well but really well 😆

was chatting with jo and I was telling her to pray really hard that I can attend pk’s birthday chalet at sentosa as my mom and I were really having cold war or something. so she was wishing me all the best of luck when I told my mom this:

“mom, my friend’s birthday is on friday and she’s having a chalet at sentosa from friday to sunday. so can I go – I mean, I’m going. can?”

haha. I was deciding whether to use the tell method or the ask method since I usually go with either way. ended up we had this talk. not those really focused talks but those she-was-busy-with-something-and-I-just-rambled-on talks.

she started by saying, “then what about work?” then I don’t know why but I just told her that I wanted to quit my waitressing job. and she started asking why. why I wanted to quit. why I wasn’t happy. what was it that I wasn’t happy about.. you get the idea.

anyway, we cleared a lot of differences that was between us for the past month and not only she let me go to pk’s chalet, I could quit my waitressing job too!

so I’ll just stick to my office job in the afternoon. really need a break. it’s tiring trying to handle two jobs and running back and forth between those two.

so today, I thought I would feel better but I think that allergy reaction is lagging or something. I broke out in rashes today. no kidding. I didn’t apply anything since I didn’t know what to apply and mom wasn’t home so here I am at my workplace typing this and hoping that the aircon here would be really cold so I don’t need to keep scratching 😕

and I’m still sneezing -sniffles-

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