Reunion Dinner

The JB trip was okay. It’s just like shopping in Singapore—only in Malaysia instead. The waiting, the bargaining… You get the idea. I’m never much of a shopper. I’m more into impulse buying 😀

I’m going to try to get a cable so I can transfer pictures from my E398 to the computer. I seriously think spending SG$5 on MMS to my email is extremely pointless :mrgreen:

Last night, my family on my paternal side had our reunion dinner. I always look forward to it because that means catching up with my cousins. I only see them once a year as I don’t even see them on Chinese New Year itself! 😮

If you remember my entry for last year’s reunion dinner, my 12-year-old cousin Natalie, was very much into this card game called Dai Dee. Well, apparently, she still loves this game. So we spent our time playing that before, during, and after the dinner. Really, this girl does not know the limits :mrgreen:

Kids these days are so lucky. They get cellphones at such a young age. So we spent a number of time checking out each others’ cellphones and snapping funny pictures with the camera-enabled ones.

Two pictures (from my E398) to remember the occasion:

Me and Natalie
Me and my cousin Natalie

Wei Hao, Rolynn and Me
With my cousins, Wei Hao and Rolynn


  1. Ooh, your cousins are cute! LOL. My cousins aren’t that cute… Anyways, LOL, I haven’t had a family reunion since ‘98 or so? Maybe 2000… Anyways, I have to go, so see ya!

  2. Ehh, I should get my own cell phone. I’m going to be going away for college soon, and I’m still sharing with my sister. =/

  3. ooh you’re so pretty!! i love your hair! i have no idea how to play daidee O_O” amazing that your 12 year old cousin knows how to!!

  4. hey this is so random, but u have really nice nails. i noticed it in the first picture.

  5. nadine! we meet again! lmao. i’m from if you could ever recall ahha. was from yu neng. =P

  6. Nodsnods! JB made stuff are cheaper though. lol! You mean through i-red? Reunion dinner is fun! But isnt it too early? lol! Daidee rocks! I’d luff to be affys with you! ((:

  7. Those are adorable photos. 🙂 Can I ask why you and your cousin were coverng your eyes in the first photo?

  8. hahaa i don’t keep in contact with my cousins hahaha.. anyways.. only JB?!?! U NEED TO GO TO KL MAN. JB is soo um.. under developed. hahaa KL is so awesome now. I reckon it’s better than Singapore. Ah damn I miss home.

  9. your cousins are so adorable looking and you look pretty as usual 🙂 i wish I had a closer bond with my cousins cause whenever they come over it’s really quiet b/t us and they don’t talk much. all my cousins are guys which is sucky and good at the same time. they’re just no fun :/

  10. I buy on impulse too, but only if I have $$. Heh,

    Your cousins ar eso adorable, and you look sweet too! I love your hair! It’s so long and straight! *envious*

  11. Your post reminded me that CNY is coming! And that I can catch up with my cousins, just that I don’t have much of them.

    Dai Dee is a fun game! Everybody goes hyper whenever we play it. Bridge is nice too, for a change(:

    Anyway, Chinese New Year in advance!

  12. Awww it’s the cutest. Shopping is fun. Reunion dinner is funner. And this is dumb but I thought kids were lucky now a days because they have darn realistic toys eg cooking set aka masak masak, am I jealous. lmao.
    Looking pretty as ever gal. xD

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