Mr. and Mrs. Smith

When I first saw the poster for this movie, I wanted to watch it. Only because Brad was in it. No, don’t get me wrong. I’m not a huge fan of him. I’m more of a fan of his wife than him.

Actually, I wanted to watch because I liked Brad as Rusty Ryan in Ocean’s Eleven and Ocean’s Twelve. Not to mention his hairstyle seems the same.

I’ve mentioned in an entry before that in the Ocean’s series, Rusty keeps eating. In Mr. and Mrs. Smith, John’s either drinking or not.

I guess in future Brad Pitt movies, I’ll always see his character as Rusty.

Anyhow, if you’re expecting action, well, you’ll get it. But Jun Wei and I agreed (after watching the 7 p.m. sneak previews last night) that it was more of a comedy than an action movie.

I don’t want to spoil it for you, (and I really hope I don’t!) but the first scene evoked laughter among the audience with yours truly being the loudest of them all. (Okay, so I exaggerated. About me being the loudest, that is.)

The part about their names kind of give me the feeling that it was going to be funny show since their names were pretty lame. I mean, John and Jane Smith? Why not Jack and Jill?

Darn, I guess I should refrain from going on and on about the movie before I let out some juicy bits.

Anyway, I really liked these lines:

Jane: Hey stranger.
John: Hey back.