Happy Birthday Dad! + Sweet Child Turns 2!

Yes, this domain has been around for two years. So, yay!

It came quite a long way to where it is now. It was (and still is) my personal domain. But, much lesser information (on myself) and content (for visitors) is up. And no, I don’t really plan on doing much besides a layout revamp that would probably be up after 8947509348 gazillion years…

Just kidding. But that shows how busy I am with school.

And on another note, it’s my father’s birthday. So,

Happy Birthday Daddy!


  1. wow happy birthday to sweet-child vanilliacherri has been up for like 4 years even though i moved a few times on servers! =]]

  2. Happy B-Dae to Swt Child! I’ll always remember the full red lips and yellow-colour background, not forgetting Yellow Card and the ever lovable Naddie.

    Happy Birthday to Naddie’s Daddie too! Hope all your wishes come true!

  3. Awwwww happy birthday to your dad. I love birthdays….good excuse for celebration I was thinking of making my site less about me and more about the visitors also. Congrats on your sites 2nd birthday too!

  4. happy birthday to your dad! and wow, two years is pretty damn brilliant.. i love blogging and stuff but i don’t know if i have th time to maintain a site for two eyars o.0 or more.. woah.


  5. Hey! Aw, that’s cute. So your dad reads your blog or something? That’s awesome, my dad has the URL to mine but he won’t actually go read it, my mom reads all the time though.
    Sorry you’re busy with school. I certainly know how that is… I don’t even have time to join fanlistings anymore.
    Happy birthday to S-C.net!
    Take care and God bless!

  6. hey!!! saw you on the fanlistings!!! love your site. love avril. comgrats on sweet child’s 2nd birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to both your webby and your father!

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