She Finally Got One!

What I meant by the above was that my mother has finally gotten herself a handphone! Which is a really cool ladies’ design Nokia can’t-remember-the-model phone.

And it’s 972349026 times better than all my phones put together 😐


  1. Isn’t it lovely when your parents outsmart ya when it comes to technology? Psht. LoL. Always getting the better stuff!

  2. Gah, I hate it when my mom or dad gets something better than me… haha, at least I get to inherit it when they dislike it 😛

  3. wow, congrats on your mom’s phone! 🙂 I’m not a nokia user so I don’t know much about it. lol. except that it’s the most popular cellphone supplier here in our country. haha. take care *hugs*

  4. Haha, how great! My mom’s been having one for a few years but only knows the basic stuff, haha. Well, maybe you can get a better something next time :p

  5. Yeah, I understand the feeling.
    I’m wanting a new better phone because of a similar reason.
    What are your phones then? It can’t be that bad.

  6. Yeah…my mother has also got one, because I gave it to her. It is a simple one, but sufficient for her, as she says.

  7. theives are so hard and get boring!! 🙁 I think that’s why I created my mage.. even though I have my pet and shop permit on my thief! :/

  8. Well that’s great that your Mom got herself a nice phone 🙂 Hopefully your turn to get a nice one is coming up too.

  9. lol 🙂 my mum’s phone has always been the simplest one for she only call and sms. the rest of the functions, she can’t be bothered with.

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