(I’m sorry for this odd title. But somehow, I don’t know how to put “7ners” in the title for this entry.)
Last night, it was one of the final gatherings for all eight of us before Elisia leaves for the States for her studies. It is such a nice timing as Peiwen is back from Down Under and PK is back from her attachment in China. So, well, lots of goodies from them 😀
We had dinner at Hog’s Breath Cafe at CHIJMES where Soffie and I shared some chicken main course.
It was like a farewell dinner as well as celebrating Perrine’s 22nd 😉
The Earlybirds: Soffie and I
Elisia, Jo, PK, CJ, Peiwen, Soffie
Perrine and me
Oh, yes. During our e-mail discussions, Jo was asking whether there were any funky dress codes this time. (The last gathering was for my birthday celebration last month and I requested everyone to turn up in either a dress or a skirt.) And somehow, no one really came up with a dress code. So when Soffie, Jo, PK, CJ, Peiwen and I met up at City Hall, we were quite surprised to find that we were wearing either black, white or grey-toned clothings. Then Peiwen commented that we were like in mourning 😆
Gee, it’s sad that that’s the last time you’ll all see each other for a while, but at least you all had fun!
It’s funny when you turn up places with friends all nearly wearing the same clothes or same colors, isnt’ it?
That’s pretty cool that your friend is going to the United States to study. What school is she going to in order to study?
It’s pretty nice that you all had a party for her :D:D
That’s awesome that you all ended up dressing with the same colors. It almost looks coordinated, but is not. =)
Thavo: I’ll be studying at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
i think in a way we were in mourning. one of our ladies was leaving for states. i love us.
It’s excellent news that she has a placement in the states, and it’s a really great idea that you all had a farewell get together! I’m glad you had a great time.
Hey there! Lovely, lovely layout! I adore it! Hmm, that’s sad that it’s like a farewell dinner, but at least you got to spend one last time together! That’s crazy how you all showed up wearing similar tones without asking. And how ironic are the colours? Anyways, take care!
It looks like you guys had great fun 🙂 I guess the 7ners, as in you, are a group of friends?
Hehehe…a dress code. I like that. This post reminds me of my group of friends, but there were only 5 of us. Argh, and I don’t like the final gatherings though they are fun. I hope you guys will keep in touch…
Ps. Cool layout. Very relaxing… 😀
good day!
I’m a bit at sea with all of those names! You look as if you had a great time though, and I suppose that’s all that matters. Although – a cafe named ‘The Hog’s Breath’?!
you seem to have a lot of fun. hehe. I miss my high school friends after seeing the pictures. O_o We havent met for months!
hahaha.. you all sure got the same shade of color! 😛
AWWW. Whare in the states is she going? WE will welcome her => lol… But for real, don’t be sad. It’s fun here.. you should comw one day =>
Looks like a fun party! 🙂
Hehe, cool that you showed up in clothes in the same colours! And black, white and gray ARE the prettiest colours! 🙂
Thanks for the comment 🙂
You and your friends looked really nice I hope you had a good time.
Wow, that’s cool that you guys all ended up wearing the same colours, I do that kinda thing with my friends most of the time, but that’s mainly coz we just all shop in similar places lolz.
It’s cool that you got to meet up before your friend left, and while your other friends were back in the country!
That’s nice that you had a party for your friend before she left. I’m sure she’ll remember that when she’s in the US. You all look like you had a great time.
That’s cool that you had a party for your friend! What is she going to the States to study?
Your outfits did match though, at least until you see her again! =)