I’ve been busy

Just a quick post (since I’ve been asked to update) to say that I’m doing rather okay minus the fact that work and debts have been piling up 😆 Also, to check in and say that the next post would be filled with photos 🙂

Also, Happy Birthday Xianfeng! Hope you’ll enjoy it despite having your last mid-sem paper 🙂

Meanwhile, to those having their holidays, enjoy them; those who just completed their last paper, have fun with the new school term 😀

And on a final note, I finally decided to sign up for Gravatar!


  1. Photo-filled posts are great! I do them in my blogs all the time.. well, naturally! Haha!

    Good luck with all the things that you have to do. =D

  2. hey! when i first saw this post, i felt quite honored to be named on your blog. thanks anyway. go sign up for mybloglog! it works as gravatar too. oh lastly, best of luck in all your assignments!

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