I have always wanted to…

… drum properly.

Anyway, a big “hello!” to you if you’ve popped over from Jo‘s blog. I’m sure the craftiness she has shared with you with her passion that is music-related has been truly awesome 😉

I have never been really musically-inclined even though I could play the keyboard/piano, drums and guitar (mediocre, of course). But I have always wished I could drum a little better, I mean, I shall admit I have two left feet at times, thus, messing up the bass drum with my snare. That is why I really admire Joel (an ex-classmate who gave me a couple of drumming lessons) who could learn double paddling within a day (or was it two hours?)

drumming layout
(Click here to enlarge and for more info.)

Guan can drum better than me 🙁 So it shall be my dream that Zayden Asher will be a drummer in future 🙂 Me? Well, I shall wait a little longer until I have the time (and, perhaps, the funds?) to learn drumming again 😀

I hope you enjoyed what I have to share 🙂 Now go on and head over to Deana‘s blog to read what she has to share 😉

On a side note, if you’re lost, feel free to head to Helen‘s blog to start the blog train as she’s the kind hostess who organized this 😉


  1. mmmh drumming, unusual but also rather cool. ur baby looks like he maybe the next generation of drummers. regarding ur drumming i think just go for it, after all everyone is different and u probably play a darn site better than me!
    jo xxx

  2. Oh, I remember these cute pics 🙂 Love the layout! My The Girl would love to drum, but I’m not sure my ears could stand it – we’re starting her on the flute instead…

  3. Such a cute baby, aww, he looks like he’s going to be a pro! Thanks for joining us on the blog train 🙂

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