So Kya will be doing a 30 Day Creative Challenge for the month of June and I thought that this is a really great idea. I am keen to try out but unsure if I have time to set aside so I’ll see how it goes. According to her post:

The 30 Day Creative Challenge is a creative challenge to create something artistic everyday for 30 days, based on the prompt for that day. You can use any medium (traditional art, writing, photography, digital art, craft or anything you like) and interpret the daily prompt in your own way. Results can be shared on your blog each day or at the end of the month.

Daily Prompts

  1. How you see yourself
  2. Love
  3. Character
  4. Hero
  5. Friendship
  6. Internet
  7. Past
  8. Music
  9. Villain
  10. Pets
  11. Social
  12. Passion
  13. Happiness
  14. Family
  15. Dream
  16. Book
  17. Space
  18. Depression
  19. Magic
  20. Life
  21. Fantasy
  22. Symmetrical
  23. Monster
  24. Abstract
  25. Death
  26. Perfection
  27. Movie
  28. Natural
  29. How you imagine yourself
  30. The future

Looking forward to experiencing June 🙂