I feel so sorry for my sister, Nicole. She started this whole webdesigning and trading card games not too long ago and due to her innocence and ignorance, she was targeted for nasty remarks by some stupid girl (I shall not reveal names).

My sister has worked hard to create her cards for TCG and has given credit. True, she failed to ask for permissions and that sort but, HEY! she did give credit to where it was due. If you’re offended that permission was not asked from you, why don’t you email nicely to clarify the matter instead of ranting it off in your blog or to your online friends. I feel that it isn’t fair to my sister when you don’t read her credits and you go around telling others and putting my sister down.

It ain’t fair. Why can’t everyone be nice?

I’ve been in this scene for two years and so far, I’ve only got this childish girl who copied my entire site and did not credit at all. When confronted, she denied that she took everything when I found out that her source codes were exactly the same as mine. My younger sisters were enraged and spammed that girl’s email and guestbook anonymously. When I found out what my sisters had done, I knew that girl was going to think that I was the spammer. True enough, That girl spammed my form at my site anonymously. But c’mon, it was so obvious. (Then again, like I said, she was a childish girl.)

That’s the furthest I’ve ever had for a ‘hatemail’.

I don’t like to be miserable. And somehow, the people who actually make me feel like that are those that I love.

Love sucks indeed.

I Fulkien hate Fulkien copycats that Fulkien copy my Fulkien hard work. And I Fulkien hate them for not only not crediting me but Fulkien deny that they have copied anything. I Fulkien hate that.

And not just my hard work. It’s like they Fulkien want to copy ME. They want to be ME. Fulkien shit I tell you.

They copy my blog, my joined collectibles, my TCG post… Gawd, even my Fulkien domain name! And it doesn’t stop that. Fulkien irritating.

They copy the way I sign off in my emails. Fulkien ‘princesses/princes’ I tell you. Fulkien fakers.

And I’m Fulkien vulgar.

phooey. forget whatever I said about not being allergic to panadol. I was – and am -scowls-

yesterday I took it when I started sneezing like a machine gun – non stop! so I popped 2 and got ready for work. just as I was about to wear my contacts, I saw this little bump below my eye. it looks like a mosquito bite and instantly, I knew it was the doing of the bloody panadol.

but I thought hey, it could be a coincidence. so I decided to wait for awhile to see if the ‘mosquito bite’ grew any bigger. it did. bloody hell.

so I had to msg my colleague to let her know I wouldn’t be going to work. and I spent every 5 minutes looking into the mirror to see how bad it swelled. the last time my eyes swelled was when I popped a tiny painkiller coz my wrist was hurting me and within 2 hours, my eyes were so swollen I couldn’t even open them :mrgreen:

this time was a little weird. only one eye was swollen and thankfully, it wasn’t that bad.

ok. let me clear this up: firstly, wil isn’t my boyfriend! -mock glares at ebony- he’s just a good pal I met back in 2000 during obs and he was my canoeing partner for the sea expedition. that’s all. haha. I don’t have a boyfriend -rolls eyes- no one wants me. lmao.

and the cam he got? it’s a sony p10. don’t really like the design and I saw a sony v1 today in the papers. I want that cam! *hint*

so technically, it was a bad day. but no biggie since my mom creamed me the night before. but oddly, my day ended well. not just well well but really well 😆

was chatting with jo and I was telling her to pray really hard that I can attend pk’s birthday chalet at sentosa as my mom and I were really having cold war or something. so she was wishing me all the best of luck when I told my mom this:

“mom, my friend’s birthday is on friday and she’s having a chalet at sentosa from friday to sunday. so can I go – I mean, I’m going. can?”

haha. I was deciding whether to use the tell method or the ask method since I usually go with either way. ended up we had this talk. not those really focused talks but those she-was-busy-with-something-and-I-just-rambled-on talks.

she started by saying, “then what about work?” then I don’t know why but I just told her that I wanted to quit my waitressing job. and she started asking why. why I wanted to quit. why I wasn’t happy. what was it that I wasn’t happy about.. you get the idea.

anyway, we cleared a lot of differences that was between us for the past month and not only she let me go to pk’s chalet, I could quit my waitressing job too!

so I’ll just stick to my office job in the afternoon. really need a break. it’s tiring trying to handle two jobs and running back and forth between those two.

so today, I thought I would feel better but I think that allergy reaction is lagging or something. I broke out in rashes today. no kidding. I didn’t apply anything since I didn’t know what to apply and mom wasn’t home so here I am at my workplace typing this and hoping that the aircon here would be really cold so I don’t need to keep scratching 😕

and I’m still sneezing -sniffles-